
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

DARPA Seeking to Build (Friendly) Terminators

DARPA Robotics Challenge

The government is looking for a few good robots. But never fear, this year's DARPA Robotics Challenge isn't a casting call for positronic killing machines—instead, teams are being asked to design robots capable of driving a vehicle, using power tools to bash through walls, and even replace a cooling pump, for a $2 million grand prize.

Up to $34 million in total will be eligible in contracts and funding, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency said Tuesday.

The goal, DARPA said, is to produce a robot capable of assisting humans in dangerous or degraded environments, using unmodified tools designed for humans.

"The program aims to advance the key robotic technologies of supervised autonomy, mounted mobility, dismounted mobility, dexterity, strength, and platform endurance. Supervised autonomy will be developed to allow robot control by non-expert operators," DARPA said, according to a document posted to the FedBizOpps Web site on Tuesday.

DARPA Robotics Challenge

The contest will consist of two phases: phase 1 will include a simulated virtual disaster challenge, which will whittle the teams down to an actual disaster challenge. A second disaster challenge will then determine the grand prize winner. The entire process could take at least 27 months.

Just one robot can be used for the entire event, including both challenges. But DARPA also said that it wouldn't rule out a modular robot, or one that could fold to squeeze through tight spaces. DARPA also said that it would allow robots to be tethered to a power supply, and controlled by humans via a wireless 802.11n link. Humanoid robots aren't required.

So what will the robot have to do? Quite a bit. For just one of the disaster challenges, DARPA anticipates that the robot will have to:

1. Drive a utility vehicle at the site.
2. Travel dismounted across rubble.
3. Remove debris blocking an entryway.
4. Open a door and enter a building.
5. Climb an industrial ladder and traverse an industrial walkway.
6. Use a power tool to break through a concrete panel.
7. Locate and close a valve near a leaking pipe.
8. Replace a component such as a cooling pump.

Unlike DARPA's autonomous car tests, the robot must actually enter a standard vehicle, opening the door, entering it, steering it, and operating the throttle and brake, just as a normal human would. The route will be curved, and may include obstacles.

The same robot must also walk across rubble (that a human could negotiate), and remove an obstacle up to 5 kg in weight. It must then open a door, climb a ladder, and then use a power tool, such as an impact hammer, to break through a wall. To demonstrate dexterity and perception, it must also identify a leaky pipe and close a valve.

Teams will be scored on whether or not they complete the event, and how long it takes, as well as the data rate used, and the energy consumed.

Entrants can either compete as a team seeking government contracts or funding, or go it alone; both tracks are eligible for the grand prize. Contestants also have the option of developing a hardware/software solution, or competing via a simulated software environment, DARPA said.

For years, DARPA has negotiated private-public partnerships to develop various aspects of technology, including self-driving cars, advanced balloons, and even hypersonic planes.

DARPA's work has probably been most visible in the development of autonomous vehicles, which has provided the technological underpinnings for Google's self-driving car. Regina Dugan, DARPA's director, also left her post in March to take a position with Google.

For more from Mark, follow him on Twitter @MarkHachman.

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