The impish Texts from Hillary Tumblr blog has received the best possible celebrity endorsement it could possibly get. That's right, Hillary Clinton herself– "Hillz" if you're nasty–is apparently a big fan of the Tumblr blog, which features various easily recognizable political and entertainment figures texting juicy set-up lines for a BlackBerry-clutching Clinton to swat down in the next panel.
The Secretary of State invited the blog's creators for a visit to the State Department earlier this week, according to Politico, where Clinton "came out .. all smiles [and] told us how much she likes the site and that people have been telling her all about it," said Adam Smith, who created Texts from Hillary with a fellow Washington D.C.-based communications professional Stacy Lambe a mere week ago.
Clinton even submitted her own "Text from Hillary" to the site (see it here) following the meeting. But just like that, the two men who created this hilarious mash-up of politics, celebrity, grrrl power, tween culture, and memeology are calling it quits.
Here's what Smith and Lambe posted on the site Wednesday:
It's been an overwhelming–and hilarious–week for us here at Texts from Hillary (TFH). What started as a joke at the bar between two friends turned into a national conversation about Secretary Clinton and went as far as talks about 2016.
After a week that included 32 posts, 83,000 shares on Facebook, 8,400 Twitter followers, over 45K Tumblr followers, news stories around the world, Renee Montagne from Morning Edition saying "ROFL," a Maureen Dowd column, and a tweet from ?uest Love, we think it's time to stop while we are ahead.
As far as memes go–it has gone as far as it can go. Is it really possible to top a submission from the Secretary herself? No. But then when you get to text with her in real life–it's just over. At least for us. But we have no doubt it will live on with all of you on the Internet.
The site will stay up but we won't be posting anything new here. You can follow us on Twitter (@ASmith83, @Sllambe) and Tumblr (Stacy at ImWithKanye and Adam's work account, Public Campaign Action Fund).
Thanks for all the LOLz. We truly appreciate all the support.
It turns out that memes really do come true.
- Stacy and Adam
It's probably for the best and certainly nice to see somebody quit while they're ahead for once. But as funny as Clinton's own Text from Hillary entry was, we have to disagree with the creators and say that the one where she asks Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg if he bought "a shirt with a big boy collar" is really the one that can't be topped.
For more from Damon, follow him on Twitter @dpoeter.