With the launch of Intel's third-generation processors, Sony is outfitting its updated Vaio laptops with new features and fresh designs to match the upgraded processing and graphics capabilities. Across the board, the new Vaio models will be equipped with HD webcams featuring Sony's Exmor sensor, boosting audio with X-Loud and ClearPhase Audio, larger trackpads with multiple finger gesture controls, backlit keyboards across all Vaio model lines, and a host of software goodies, like a full creative suite and webcam-based gesture controls.
Vaio T-Series and Z-Series
Topping the list of eagerly awaited systems are the Vaio T-Series and Z-Series, two 13-inch systems with plenty to love. The Vaio T13 is Sony's first ultrabook, with Core i5 and i7 Ivy Bridge processors available, as well as a selection of ports and hard drive options.
The T13 is available with either a 500GB hard drive, bolstered with a 32GB solid state cache for instant on and speedy performance ($899 with an Intel Core i5 processor), or you can go whole hog ($1,299 with Core i7) with a 128GB solid-state drive (SSD), which is smaller in capacity, but offers blazing fast performance. The 0.7-inch thick ultrabook has plastic and aluminum construction, with a brushed aluminum lid and a drop hinge design that offers a more comfortable typing experience by raising the back end of the system during use.
The Vaio Z13 may not be as slim as the T13, but with carbon-fiber construction keeping things light while packing a 1920-by-1080 resolution, 13-inch display, and Intel Core i7 Ivy Bridge quad-core processor, you'll hardly notice the extra bulk. The Vaio T13 starts at $1,999 and is available in either black or gold color schemes. We got our hands on the Sony Vaio T13 a little early, so watch for our full review.
Vaio E-Series and S-Series
The new Vaios start with Sony's E-Series, the entry-level members of the Vaio family, which range from 11-inch, AMD-powered portables to the Ivy Bridge-equipped Vaio E15, a 15-inch desktop replacement.
The Sony Vaio E11 is an 11-inch ultraportable, and is the only entrant in this new crop of systems not offering Intel processing, featuring a less expensive AMD Brazos APU instead. The Vaio E14 and E14p are Sony's entry-level mainstream laptops, and in addition to an Ivy Bridge bump, the E14p—the "p" stands for "Premium"—you'll get BoomDizzle, LL Cool J's music creation software, with Sony throwing in extras like free studio time, free recording tracks, and extra instruments and loops. The E14 gets a splash of color, available in black, pink, or silvery bare aluminum, while the E14p is black with red accents.
The desktop replacement Vaio E15 rounds out the entry-level offerings, and features third-generation Intel Core i5 processing, Intel's upgraded integrated graphics, and a full-sized backlit keyboard with 10-key numeric pad. Watch for our review of the Sony Vaio E15.
The Vaio S-Series features a full-flat design, which offers consistent thickness when closed and no sloping in the keyboard. The Vaio S-Series comes with an array of accessories, such as a sheet battery (available for $149), which bumps up the battery life to as much as 12 hours total, and a desktop docking station ($189), which not only adds convenient cord management and extra ports, but also boasts its own 500GB hard drive, giving you ample storage for work projects that don't need to leave the office.
The Vaio S13 starts at $899, and features a slot-loading optical drive, a larger clickable touchpad, and a full-size backlit keyboard. The Vaio S13p takes the laptop a step further with a higher resolution screen (1600-by-900), an integrated fingerprint sensor, and discrete Nvidia graphics, all while cutting the weight with carbon fiber construction. The larger Vaio S15 boasts a third-generation Intel Core i7 quad-core processor, discrete Nvidia graphics with up to 2GB of dedicated memory, and a 15.5-inch HD display panel with 1920-by-1080 resolution.
Vaio L Series (All-in-One)
Extending the Vaio reach into the desktop space, Sony offers the Vaio L24, a touch-screen, all-in-one that will sell for $1,399. In addition to a 24-inch 1080p touch screen with 10 points of touch, the Vaio L24 offers a third-generation Intel Core i5 processor, 6GB of RAM, and Blu-ray optical drive. We'll have a review of the Sony Vaio L24 today, so keep an eye out for it to get the full scoop on the new Vaio desktop.