
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wake Me Up When Apple's WWDC is Over

It should be called the Worldwide Dull-velopers Conference (WWDC) because Apple is boring me to sleep with its petty upgrades and announcements.

WWDC Live Blog

Why won't any of the pundits admit it? Absolutely no exciting news is coming out of Apple's WWDC. There are no breakthrough announcements and Tim Cook is not Steve Jobs. In fact, he's about as thrilling as dental floss.

Analysts and writers are trying to make it sound as if WWDC is anything but the eye-rolling snoozer that it is.

Let's see, the company is upgrading a bunch of gear for no reason other than the fact that Intel is marching ahead with more powerful chips that simply have to be employed. So they are employed. Golly, I never saw that one coming.

Apple has added a higher resolution display to the MacBook Air and Pro. Stunner. Who would have thought?

And Apple Maps? We'll see.

These new products could have just as easily been slip-streamed through the Apple website rather than rolled out in one of the dullest events ever. (Yes, I watched it from an online stream.)

Apple review, Apple commentary, Apple news... Everything AppleAs execs paraded the products, I was reminded of the old Apple commercial in which a snail crawls along with a chip on its back. There was no punch, no pizzazz, just droning on and on. I mean, how long does it take to tell the audience that Siri can now understand Chinese?

And while Siri learning Chinese is great for Apple sales in China, I could not care less. Although, it does offer a lot of material for stand-up comedians in the months ahead.

This has been a forgettable event so far and there is nothing scheduled to fix it.

That said, Apple itself needs no fixing and sales should continue to rise. The iPad has no real competition and the iPhone is still more fashionable than the other smartphones, although I think it's beginning to look dated.

Apple's aim is merely not to make a misstep with any of its definitive products. It cannot afford to fail with the looming iPhone 5, for example. Luckily, users do give Apple a lot of leeway. Recall the antenna debacle with the iPhone 4.

However, since Apple is sitting on a war chest of over $110 billion, it can afford to make a mistake or two. So while I think the WWDC is a major snoozefest, I cannot see the company falling flat anytime soon.

People always forget that when Steve Jobs left the company for the first time and was replaced by John Sculley, the company thrived. It actually fared far better for years until Sculley was replaced by a fickle board of directors.

This would be the model to expect in the future. Tim Cook will bring the company greater and greater sales until, at some point, the board will grow tired of him or he will simply retire. They'll likely replace him with Phil Schiller (the equivalent of former CEO Michael Spindler) and the company will then change. This is a long ways off and I wouldn't argue against the pundits who predict a stock price of $800.

Whatever the case, can we at least be honest about this event and admit its lack of impact? Geez.

You can Follow John C. Dvorak on Twitter @therealdvorak.

More John C. Dvorak:
•   Wake Me Up When Apple's WWDC is Over
•   Who Will History Remember: Jobs or Gates?
•   Recognizing a New Medium: the Kindle
•   The Worst Thing Ever: Retina Display
•   Survey: What's Your Operating System Match?
•  more

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