
Monday, May 7, 2012

GIMP 2.8 Image Software Adds Single-Window Mode

GIMP 2.8

Little more than a month after Adobe released its most recent Photoshop revision, Photoshop CS6, the free, open-source image manipulation program The GIMP has reached version 2.8, with a much-requested single-window mode.

But there's a catch: the GTK+2 image toolkit that was used to create GIMP 2.8 is not compatible with graphics tablets like Wacom, so those that use a graphics tablet will have to downgrade to version 2.6, the developers said.

Although the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is free, some designers have noted that it takes some getting used to. In crafting version 2.8, the designers tweaked the user interface further, in part to bring the software more in line with its public roadmap, and the drive toward GIMP 3.0.

The single-window mode has been the GIMP developers' highest priority, and respresents a sharp change from the multi-window mode GIMP has traditionally employed. In single-window mode, GIMP will put dockable dialogs and images in a single, tabbed image window.

GIMP 2.8

GIMP 2.8 has also added multi-column dock windows, and the docking bars have been removed and replaced with overlaid highlights. An automatic tab style automatically configured them to use available space.

With the new version, files can only be saved in the native XCF format, and "save" and "export" are now two distinct functions. There are some optimizations for workflows such as opening a JPEG file, polishing it, and quickly exporting back to the original file, the developers said.

Tool rendering on canvas has been ported to Cairo, while text editing is now performed directly on canvas, rather than a separate window.

In addition, users can now type in simple math expressions into the size entry widget, such as "50%" in the width field, to shrink the image by 50 percent, or "30in + 40px".

GIMP plans version 2.10 on the road to GIMP 3.0. The developers have not assigned target dates to either version.

GIMP 3.0's chief additions will be the new GTK3 image toolkit and support for high bit depths, most likely designed for manipulation and composition of high dynamic range (HDR) photos, a technique that has caught on among proponents of digital photography.

"Now that this version is finally released, we are grasping the future with both hands," the developers said. "Stay tuned: some really exciting news will follow."

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